Pastor’s Manna

The Task of Reformation

On October 29th of this month we will celebrate Reformation Sunday. This is always the last Sunday of October, but what makes this Sunday special is that this is the 500th anniversary of the start of Martin Luther’s reformation.

Germany has had a large celebration of this event. There are at least eight different official “Luther Routes”, bringing travelers throughout the sites of the reformation in Germany. Many tour companies provide tours to these sites, and lots of people I know have headed over to tour Luther’s reformation Germany to experience the sites of the reformation: Wittenberg (for the nailing of the ‘95 theses), Erfurt (where Luther studied, experienced a tremendous storm, and was ordained), the Worms and Augsburg (where Imperial Diets, or inquisitions occurred), the Heidelberg (key in the creation of the Heidelberg Catechism and Disputation), Eisenach (home of Wartburg Castle where Luther laid low for some time), as well as a host of other sites throughout Germany.

Surprisingly, we haven’t paid a lot of attention to Luther or the importance of the reformation. I had never heard of tours occurring until the 500th anniversary was approaching. I think this is because it is incredibly easy to coast along, assuming the work of the reformation is done. When we can talk about the Reformation that occurred in 1517, we talk of an event in the past, an event that is over.

The task of the Reformation, is ongoing. The Reformation did not occur in 1517, it began in 1517 (at least Luther’s did) and it is the role of every reformed Christian to continue to seek to reform and re-form our faith and beliefs, continually seeking the will of God in what we do. The reformation may have begun, but it is never-ending, never satisfied until we are gathered at the foot of our Lord, and worshipping him continually in our heavenly home.

What in your faith, or your church, have you taken for granted that is worth re-consideration of the reason you do things? Is there anything that has become an idol, causing a falling away from the true meaning of worship and service, that all things may point to God and God alone?

In Him,

Pastor Jon

Categories: Pastor's Manna