Join in the Community!

Presbyterians United for Fun, otherwise known as PUFF, are just as our name suggests a group of people who get together to have fun adventures. (No membership or age requirements)
Some past activities enjoyed by PUFF include Omaha Storm Chasers game, Shakespeare on the Green, and a few day trips to various surrounding towns and points of interest.
Watch the website for upcoming Activities for PUFF 2020.
All meeting times are at the church parking lot on 34th and Farnam.
For reservations/questions, contact the church at 402 345-5383.

Presbyterian Women
All women of the church are members of Presbyterian Women in the Church (PW). PW provides many services to the church from hosting funeral lunches, a prayer shawl ministry and a monthly women’s Bible study to name a few. PW also organizes several luncheons throughout the year as well as the annual bake sale in August to support its various mission projects.
Melissa Davis, Moderator

Every Spring FPC assembles a softball team and participates in the Ultimate Baseball Academy Softball League. Contact Ted Symens if interested at

Merry Crew Mariners
The Mariners is a fellowship group for couples and singles who meet from September through April. Our meeting consists of dinner and a variety of guest speakers and programs. We also collect an offering which goes toward our Hand-Up Food Pantry. Our favorite meeting of the year is in December when we host a white elephant gift exchange.
Watch the website for future meetings.

Young Adults
Our Young Adults group, 20’s & 30’s+, meet at various times throughout the year for a time of fun and fellowship. Some of our past outings have included bowling, dinner out, movie night, and holiday parties.
Watch the website for future gatherings.

Boy Scout Troop 31
Boy Scout Troop 31 is one of the oldest troops in Omaha and in 2017 celebrated 100 years as a charter troop of First Presbyterian Church, Omaha. Our troop has 128 Eagle Scouts and as a church we have benefited greatly by service and dedication to our community.
Roger Harpster, Scout Master
Brian Switzer, Coordinator
402 591-0262
If you would like to participate in any of the above activities, please contact the church office at 402 345-5383.