Stephen Ministry
What is a Stephen Minister? A Stephen Minister is a Christian layperson who is trained to be a caregiver for a person going through a difficult time in her/his life. A Stephen Minister is a person with a compassionate heart who has been equipped with the skills to listen, encourage, and offer support and prayers when someone is in need. A Stephen Minister can be that help for you or someone you love in a confidential manner and in a non-judgmental way. Referrals can come from a concerned friend, family member, clergy.
In what kind of circumstances might one need a Stephen Minister? A Stephen Minister would provide one-to-one Christ-centered care to hurting people who might be experiencing grief, divorce, cancer, hospitalization, physical rehabilitation, chronic illness, job loss, loneliness, spiritual crisis, or other life struggles.
If you have a need, contact Rev. Jennifer Blake at or Dr. Jonathan Sloan at They can also be reached by phone, (402) 345-5383. The contact and ministry are totally confidential.
The Stephen Ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Omaha is affiliated with Stephen Ministry of St. Louis, MO.
Stephen Ministry News
Learn, Grow, and Serve by Becoming a Stephen Minister
For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10 (NRSV)
Do you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening? If so, please prayerfully consider becoming a Stephen Minister. We are looking to train another class of Stephen Ministers this Fall and would love to have YOU join the team. Stephen Ministers provide emotional and spiritual support and care to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. To find out more about becoming a Stephen Minister or how you or someone you know could be matched with a Stephen Minister, talk with one of our Stephen Ministers today: Leanne Johnson, Sherri Krivanek, Leanne White or Pastor Jenni
Have you experienced the loss of a loved one? Are you having a difficult time dealing with your grief? It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. GriefShare may be just what you need. GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving loss of someone close.
We are hosting a 13 week GriefShare support group on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the church library. If you or someone you know would like to be a part of this support group please talk with Pastor Jenni, Leanne Johnson or call the church office.