Pastor’s Manna – God’s Word for You in 2019

God’s Word for You in 2019
On the first Sunday of 2019, I passed out different Star Words to those who had gathered for worship. This was a piece of paper, cut into the shape of a star with a word written upon it. The word was one of 150 words from a list of “star words”, each member of the congregation randomly took a star from the offering plates. No star was the same.
There was a lot of discussion after worship about what word people ended up with. For some the word was appropriate to something they were working on.
I have heard stories of people who drew a star word that was what they already knew God was calling on them to work on themselves, or to recognize in others.
One person didn’t like the word they ended up with, put it back into the mix, redrew, and ended up with the same word!
Some were excited about working on their word this year, others still pondering if they will use that word, or another that God has spoken to them as their word of the year.
Words are important.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
With words God spoke the universe into being.
With words Jesus taught us about a new way of understanding who we are and who God created us to be.
With words, Jesus gave up his life for us on the cross: “Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit” (Luke 23:46) “It is finished” (John 19:30)
With words we hear messages from God of correction, love, redemption and grace.
Words matter!
What word is God calling you to focus on in 2019? If you were not with us January 6th, I still have words available, and I would love to have you pick one. Just see what God’s word for you is this year!
In Him,
Pastor Jon
Categories: Pastor's Manna