Pastor’s Manna – New Year, New Start

New Year, New Start
What does the New Year mean to you? I always love how with a new year, everything resets. New Calendars, new files, new goals… new chances!
I remember growing up, it meant a struggle to figure out what New Year’s resolution I would be trying to keep. What was worthy of making a New Year resolution about?
Then as I got older, the whole idea of resolutions went away until a few years ago when I started making (and keeping) the same resolution year after year. Last year, I added to that ongoing resolution to make a more challenging goal for 2018.
I think it is of value each year to reflect on the previous year, and ask yourself:
“What do I want to do this year?”
“What do I want to change?”
“What do I want to keep doing?”
In a way, our relationship with God is a lot like New Years Day. We can reflect back on what has worked well in our walk with God, we can seek forgiveness of that which didn’t, and we can begin a new part of our relationship, each time we talk to Him.
With God, each time we commit to Him, it is like a whole new start. The old failures have been wiped away, and a new way of knowing God has begun.
God wants to have a relationship with you! This is his message to you each day. Each time we read His word, and hear of His plan through Jesus Christ. God wants you to know Him, to walk with Him, to be with Him.
This year, can you make a New Year resolution, to seek God more fully and to know Him more dearly? God is calling to you, will you answer?
In Him,
Pastor Jon
Categories: Pastor's Manna