Adult Discipleship – #SummerAdventuresWithJesus!

On the Sunday before Memorial day (the unofficial start to summer) I talked about taking Jesus with us where ever we go whether that be away on vacation or simply an adventure around. I even handed out tiny Jesus dolls to serve as reminders that Jesus goes with us wherever we might go. AND just because it’s summer doesn’t mean we take a vacation and leave Jesus behind.
It makes me think about all of the things we do and places we go in our everyday lives, are we taking Jesus with us? What about when we go out with friends or spend time with family, are we taking Jesus with us? I am faced with the question: what more can we do to make Jesus more prominent in our lives?
As always, I have some ideas…through seeking opportunities for Growth, Service, Community and Worship!
Growth: Our Adult Sunday School continues in Jenks Lounge at 9am, a Tuesday morning study at 10:30am, and a Monday Evening study Anxious for Nothing, as well as uncorking Word & the Wine.
Service: Participating in our Service Sunday on July 15, volunteering in the Pantry on Thursdays, seeking out ways to help others in our community.
Community: Summer Movie Night, Jazz on the Green, grabbing a few people to head out for lunch after worship on any given Sunday.
Worship: Sunday mornings as we move back into our beautifully renovated sanctuary!
Summer is a great time to try something new, so keep your eyes open, watch for the chance to be a part of something fun this summer and don’t’ forget to take Jesus with you wherever you go!
Pastor Jenni
But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love. Ephesians 4:15-16 (NRSV)
Categories: Discipleship, News